Thursday, April 28, 2011

More On Tyco's Love for Paper

As mentioned earlier, Tyco has a thing for paper. This also includes tissue paper! Cats are a big fan of crinkly items - tissue paper, plastic bags, etc. In this case, Tyco has discovered a piece of tissue paper (blue, to match his masculine self) and, as you will see in the video, is extremely excited to have this fine paper wrapped around him. ... Until he hears the last call of his food container being shaken.

At least he has good taste.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rainbow Bridge

This is a hard post. Part of the reason I've been so neglectful of my blog is there have been things going on with my cats, who are my number one priority (followed closely by stationery).

I cannot write in detail what happened to my sweet kitties. I'll just summarize and say it was one of the most devastating things I have ever experienced. I didn't even know I could hurt like that.

Both had been sick for a short period leading up to their passing. Angel passed away near midnight on Monday, April 5, 2011. She was only 8.5 years old. To make matters worse, we had to say goodbye to Cheebs the following day (Tuesday, April 6, 2011) in the afternoon. Cheebs just turned 7 months that day. He was fighting a battle with FIP that we couldn't save him from.

For the most part, friends and family have been understanding of my general neglect. Especially with the stress of moving to Texas. Some people, not so much. A lot of people don't understand the impact a pet can have on someone's life. Let me just say, these cats changed my life and the way I look at life. They have made me a better person, a stronger person, and even more empathetic towards others who are suffering. I wouldn't change a thing, despite Cheebs' time with us being so short. He came to us and spent 99% of his time cuddling with me or Tyco or any other lap he could find. Angel came to me when my entire family needed her. She saw us through a period of our lives with love and affection. I firmly believe these cats were given to me for a reason. They served a noble purpose and it was their time to go. It doesn't make the loss any easier, but it's easier to accept. Everything happens for a reason.

May their bodies rest in peace and their souls love Rainbow Bridge forever.
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