Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Venturing In the Real World...in Toe Shoes.

Yessir, I am here in Denver International Airport sporting my black roo-leather KSO Treks(size 39, if you care). A few things to note about me with regards to flying:

1. I hate flying alone. Planes are dirty and every surface is soiled and it makes me uneasy. Planes are also nap machines to me so I inevitably fall asleep leaning on some surface I wish I hadn't touched. Does this make me a prude? Maybe. I'm a microbiologist. This shouldn't be surprising. (Furthermore, about 50% of the plane was coughing and hacking). I also get lonely. What's with airports that don't have free wi-fi?? Fortunately, this one does.

2. Oh my god I've only been without internet for like 2 hours and I'm pining for it already. What is wrong with me?? What a horrible habit.

3. A woman just ran past. She missed her connecting flight. That's going to be me one day and I'll be distraught about it and hate flying for yet another reason.

4. I miss the cat(s) (cats, when there were multiple) and Kevin. And then when I leave my destination, I miss those people.

5. I have a habit of zoning out and staring and people probably think I'm staring at them but I'm not. I just...zone out and stare.

6. Flying makes me ravenous. I really don't know why.

7. I always have to be searched.

8. I like to take off my shoes when I fly but then I don't like to put my socked or non-socked feet on any surface. Not comfortable to suspend my feet mid-air (even though it has happened where they did not reach the floor...). This leads me to the point of this post. I decided to take a risk and wear my KSO Treks to Winnipeg. Five days with only one pair of shoes. I'm not even sure if my legs are quite used to them (I've run about 12 miles in them). Here's hoping they are. But they sure are comfy to travel in. I didn't have the need to "take off my shoes" to get more comfortable during the flight. And walking around is casual and cozy. I love it. What a great choice I made all by myself and with a bit of encouragement (or skepticism?) from Kevin.

The lady who frisked my at security even complimented me on my "cute shoes" and my adorable toe socks (Injinji Lightweight CoolMax Liner Micro Crew Socks, in black).

Anyway that's my update. They're mighty comfortable and I don't feel like a weirdo at all. Well...no more than the usual.

Dammit. They changed my gate. Just after I nested!!! BLAAAST!


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