Sunday, September 4, 2011

Learning: A Wet Noodle Nib

I have a new pen in my arsenal... Well, it's not actually new. It's rather vintage! I know, I know, I have plenty of pens and fountain pens to last me ten lifetimes. But this one is special for several reasons: it's my very first flex nib, and it's very unique (it is, after all, from the ~1930s). I really have nothing else like it in my collection.
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My ever so thoughtful husband surprised me with this beauty one day. It's a Waterman 52V with a 14K Waterman Ideal #2 wet noodle nib. He told me he was expecting a parcel but to allay any suspicions and/or undying curiosity I may (would) have had, he then convinced me it was just a letter. I spent all day racking my brains trying to figure out what letter he possibly could be expecting that would be so important. I had no inkling that the parcel was an awesome gift for meee! He said it was for no particular reason but it may have been because for the few days leading up to this gift, I had been lamenting that Jim loves Pam and bought her a house and what a sweet boyfriend he is and isn't he amazing etc, etc. Kevin claims that had nothing to do with it and it was purely coincidental. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt though, because I love this pen like crazy.
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This page is my very first attempt at learning to write with a flex nib. There truly is an art to it so I have a loooong way to go before I'm any good at it, but I was still excited by the results I produced in just a few minutes of practicing! Don't judge me just yet. I was only dipping and hadn't yet filled the ink sac at this point.
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I will be doing a full review on it - it's in the review queue. Although it may skip ahead because of my excitement about it...
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I've fallen in love with this pen though. It's adorable and makes even my penmanship look awesome. Not to mention that it's an absolute dream to write with in my Habana and Rhodias. Premium paper really shows its stuff with this kind of pen - inks look absolutely spectacular! But more on this to come...!


Shangching said...

Technically speaking, if all your kitties help you using all your pens, you have just enough :)

My only experience with flex nib is with calligraphy pen (the one you can insert interchangeable nibs) and it is very fun to use. If use correctly (I don't think I have), the lines it can produce is elegant. Now I am tempted to look for a flex nib fountain pen!

GourmetPens said...

OMG this is without a doubt the pen that gives me my favorite writing experience!!! You will lovelovelove a flex nib if you enjoyed your calligraphy pen :D My husband got this from The gentleman who runs it is a very nice guy and very helpful and knowledgeable. He was able to offer much assistance to my husband in picking the right pen for me (without my knowledge)!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pants! :)

GourmetPens said...

LOL! I really should have looked at what I wrote on the page before posting that pic...

Peninkcillin said...

Ahhh this is my dream pen. If I ever buy a vintage pen, this is it.

I'm glad I came across your blog. I was googling "wet noodle nib" for a fountain pen review I'm writing and came across this article. Surprisingly I found that I am already in your blogroll, so I added you to mine :)

GourmetPens said...

I LOOOOOOVE this pen!! It is the most fantastic nib! We got it from Mauricio at - he was most helpful in picking the right pen! It's hard to tell from the picture I guess but it's a pretty small pen (a "short") and Mauricio did have a "normal" sized version of it! He may still have it... ;)

I have very much benefited from your blog so I'm honored to be on your blogroll! Thank you!

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GourmetPens by Azizah Asgarali is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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