
Friday, October 7, 2011

Pen Organization!

You may have noticed I do extensive pen sampling in my journals for reviews. I realize it may be very boring for some but I do it because it shows a wide range of colors, nib sizes, and ink types on each type of paper. This helps readers decide how they feel about paper color in relation to ink color, as well as the effect of nib size on the ink flow/color.

I try to keep the pens in groups, in order of nib sizes and color, so that each time I have a journal to sample in, I don't have to reorganize them. This is easier said than done. I have four cats they deem themselves very "helpful". The original set up was just on the table. ... This would shortly end up on the floor, scattered about. It was a pain having to line them up over and over.
Then I found a flat box that most of the pens fit into but it still wasn't good enough. I couldn't leave the box out! And, the amount of pens included in the writing sample was growing.
Pens just aren't safe to leave out in order on the table without some sort of protection. I was trying to think of some device that would be locking and flat so I could leave the pens lined up in order and sorted, but safe from the grubby mischievous paws of this household. I actually considered baking sheets and stacking them, then putting them in the oven when I was done writing samples... but I worried that one day I may turn on the oven, forgetting there were pens in there! NOT SAFE!!!!

On a recent trip to Costco, we came across a photo storage container. At Costco, it was only $17.95 (I can't find it on their website though). Not bad. Here's the new set up!
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Open for viewing.
It's great because they all stay in the order I need them in for my writing samples in journals, and I can carry them all around in the tote container! Safe from "helpful" and curious cats! So far, all my non-fountain pens fit in the cases no problem.
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You'll notice the first nine pens of the first box correspond with the first nine of this writing sample...And so on and so forth.
You may be thinking, "these can't be all of your pens, Ziza." No. No it is not. I keep all my doubles and back ups in a separate pencil case (with an inventory list...) and as I go through a pen from the working stock, I replace it from the back up.
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A two-page sample of the Inventory List.
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This pile also doesn't include my large quantity of Sakura pens (only a few of the Glazes in there), or fountain pens! Or the working stock. It looks pretty small now that I think about it...
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These pens starred in the most recent Pen Porn

See? Easy to pick up and tote around! Now obviously if I were to put this on its side, all the pens in each individual container would fall out of its intended place but at least they will be in some sort of group still. It's easier to line up ten pens at a time than digging through a pile of... 50? I don't even know how many I sample with!
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I hope you enjoyed being part of my pen organization!


  1. I have no words. Ten mauve Hi-Tech 0.5's? Ten?

  2. It's not my fault! They were being discontinued! I had no choice! I HAD TO STOCK PILE!

  3. I guess you didn't notice the "13" of the 0.4 Violets.

  4. I love that box! If that I actually have that many pens, I would totally get it right the way.
    Here is a question for you. How do you store your bottle ink? I am experiencing difficulties finding a box that will actually fit. The "culprit" here is the Noodler Bay State Blue (4.5oz) that towers over the rest. I could not find a box that will fit that bottle without any problem. Any suggestions on my predicament?

  5. I am ashamed to admit my ink storage system is terrible! I have them in a box I got from the Container Store. I will take a picture of it for you and post :) However you have inspired me to think about a better storage system for ink so I will do my best!

  6. Hi there! :) I would just like to ask if you are planning to sell one of your Hi-Tec C's Khaki colours (0.3mm)? If yes, please let me know. I love your post by the way. I have many pens as well (but not as many as you do) so for now I just have two floral pencil cases that takes care of my mini collection. I love the Hi-Tec C line so much that it saddens me that some colours have to be discontinued by the manufacturer. Makes me think to produce one myself. *HAHA*

  7. Hi Grace Anne! Thanks so much, I'm glad you like :D I used to be a little embarrassed by the amount of pens I have but I make an honest effort to actually use them and not just hoard them (which took some practice). JetPens had announced awhile back that the khaki was being discontinued so, naturally, I had to order a bunch. I'm pretty sure I bought out the last ones they had hehe. Can you send me an email and let me know how many you're interested in and whereabouts you live (just approximately so I can check shipping)?

    Thanks a bunch for stopping by AND commenting!! :)

  8. I remembered about a month or two ago, Julie @ Pens Paper Inks had a posting on a wine crate that she found locally. That might be a great storage for ink. My problem is I do not know where I can find such crate (can you tell I am not a wine aficionado?). Oh well. I will find it one day! Now all the extra ink just silently congregated around the existing box...

  9. That's an insane collection.

  10. @Shangching Awesome. I'm checking out her post now! That is a great crate. I am thinking I'll have to go searching for one of my own. I love the look of it!

    @© <-- that looks hilarious. It is indeed an insane collection lol. I am a little embarrassed to share it because most people think it's nuts/excessive, which I guess it is, but everyone has a vice right? :D

  11. Wow! I am jealous of your pen collection!!! Awesome!


  12. Hi Dawn :D Thank you for visiting! Hehe thank you as well for your comment - you should see the collection now hehehe it has probably doubled in size! In my defense, I do actually use them all!

  13. I think I would just sit there and stare at them all day. :D
