
Friday, October 28, 2011

Whiskers & Paws: October 2011 Edition

We had a photo session the other evening. It was very difficult to keep their attention without using treats...And then when I did use treats, they nearly bit my fingers off and ripped me apart trying to get them away from me. The cretins!
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  1. Those are some stunning cats! What kind is the black one?

  2. Great photos, Azizah! I can sympathize with the difficulties of taking good photos of cats; usually by the time I get close enough to mine to get a photo, they become curious and start walking towards me. I am sadly living away from my 3 cats right now, so I much appreciated seeing your lovely felines!

  3. Thank you Rori! The little black one (Koa) is actually a bengal but he's a "sheeted marble". I think sheeted marbles aren't as desirable as the ones with flowing patterns but I thought he was very exotic and neat looking!

    Heather - fellow cat lovers always understand the difficulty! LOL! Mine do that too, as soon as they see me focusing on them, they wander over. OR hold still until I click the button and they move hahaha. I usually end up with 90% blurry pictures and only 10% being any good. You must miss your cats like crazy so I'm so glad you enjoyed the pictures :)

  4. Oh these pictures are beautiful, hope you didn't get too scratched in the making of them!! Darcy and Sookie are very good at looking straight into the camera in a perfect pose... until the exact second that I press the button, then they do something nutso just as the picture takes!! =^..^=

  5. Thanks :D Only minor scratches. Hazards of the job though right? I'd much rather take pictures of them than groom them! Darcy & Sookie know they're adorable so they can be naughty and look away just at the moment you take the picture - clever kitties!

  6. Wow, these pictures look like taken by a professional and posed by professional models as well! I especially like the one when Tyco looked at a 45 degree angle. They all looked like they were having fun posing. I wish Auggie would the same for me!

  7. Really? Wow, I didn't know there were alternate coat colors--great photos!

  8. Beautiful cats! I love the coat on your Bengal but Tyco is a doll!

  9. Thank you Julie :) Ragdolls really are heart-melting! They're such wonderfully sweet, gentle cats!

  10. Great photos! My absolute fave is the third last!

  11. Thanks Jen :) I like that one too, she actually looks sweet and innocent... sorta. LOL
