
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Working Ink Stock

Ink might as well be running in my veins. Although I guess my blood cells would be very unhappy. And whatever other junk hangs out in blood vessels.

My order from Goulet Pens arrived and I proceeded to set up my working stock of inks. This way, I could tuck away all the bottles I have (my desk was running out of space). Plus, they're safer from the cats this way. And, less risk of contaminating the bottles when I refill my pens.
While I wish I could say the entire rack is full of a working stock of ink, there's only 21 working tubes. Ha. "Only" 21. As though that's a small number. My current inks are as follows:

I'm a little embarrassed by this, given how spoiled I obviously am and how so many people and critters are suffering in the world while I flounce around playing with pens and inks.


  1. Have you tried the Rouge Hematite 1670 yet? I got a sample way back when, and I was thinking of trying it again.

  2. I have! I've got a review of it ready to go for next week! I think it's pretty but I worry about the ink drying in my pen and leaving residue.

  3. Thea above picture just magnifies how unkempt my writing is. *sigh* I need a penmanship class.

  4. LOL omg Shangching, you're so silly! You have gorgeous writing!!
