Well, ever since I got my
first Lamy Safari from
JetPens, I have gone a little bonkers and suddenly realized there was a pink within grasp, and an aquamarine that would soon be out of my grasp (like the orange, which is now about $70 to acquire). I picked up the pink and aquamarine at
the Pen Boutique. I couldn't resist putting them together and taking a few pictures
They are prettier than I expected! |
I got the extra-fine on the green Safari, a medium on the aquamarine, and a 1.5 mm calligraphy nib on the pink. |
The colors matched perfectly, so I had to put them together, obviously. Don't they look wonderful? It reminds me of Skittles! |
Anyone have an orange Safari they no longer fancy and want to sell it?? For less than $70, hopefully...?
You are actually missing 2 items :( the orange and the lime, 2012 green is the apple.
I suppose the aquamarine and pink are supposed to be bowl colors that hold the fruit salad :) - if so, Lamy needs to give us a purple for berries or grapes. The Al-Stars don't count.
As if I need more colors to track down buahaha. I am trying to find them somewhere "affordable"... I would totally kill for a purple!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME LAMY?!?! I actually prefer the colors of the Safari than Vistas... they're so much more vivid and rich and warm!
I feel you on the $70 for the orange. I want the lime from 2008 and it cost $120. I hope that the next one is purple too. I have the Al-Stars and they all look the same ex. Raspberry, Black-Purple and Ruby Red.
Wow these are awesome!
Oh.. I love that pic! Sigh. I kind of wish I hadn't started getting the Safaris because now I want the "whole set"...
Tori and GP: I have the orange and the lime - I think we need to talk offline :)
...For sale?
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Really! My email is torieliz at gmail dot com
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