
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Review: Moleskine Accessories Writing Set

A random JetPens parcel arrived in the mail the other day for review! Of course, I ripped it open with crazed excitement and inside was a Moleskine Accessories Writing Set - which includes 3 slip-on grips and a clip-on pen holder. (Actually, this included 2 slip-on grips because it's a sample product, but if you were to buy it, it would come with 3!)
Moleskine Writing Accessories Packaging
See? I only have two grips.
At first I was thinking, oh darn, I don't have any Moleskine pens or pencils but then I realized the grips would fit normal pens!
Moleskine Writing Accessories
A very simple little set.
In place of an actual clip-on system, people just use pen loops (such as the Leuchtturm 1917 pen loop), or they just clip their pens onto the pages of their notebook. This can work but pen loops are not reusable, and clipping your pens directly to the page is somewhat risky if the clip is not a good one.
Moleskine Writing Accessories Set
With a cute Moleskine-style pamphlet. It doesn't say much though. 
In swoops the Moleskine Accessories Writing Set with its reusable ways and clever design! The rubber grips are meant to slide onto your pen or pencil (that does not have a grip section already of course), to make your grip lighter, and to make writing more comfortable. The grips are like sleeves, they are not squishy soft but they do make it easier to hold the pen without slipping. Once the grip is on, your pen can then be slid into the slot on the clip to be secured for transport or just to wait in place until you write again. The clip-on portion itself slides onto the top of your papers or notebook and will sit there snugly until you remove it.
Moleskine Writing Accessories Grips
Lots of extra space. Left: Bic Cristal. Right: Pilot Hi-Tec-C
Moleskine Writing Accessories Grips
Top: Bic 4-color multipen in fashion colors. Bottom: Sakura Pigma Micron 01.
The issue with the grips is that they are quite large so they only fit on certain size pens. The grips are too large to fit on pen barrels the size of the Bic Cristal (don't laugh) or the Pilot Hi-Tec-C. It did fit my Bic 4-color multipen, and my Sakura Pigma Micron pens. And because they are rubbery grips, if the barrel is big and just barely fits the grip, it's hard to slide them on. But once it's on, it's good and secure so you won't have to worry about the pen falling out.
Moleskine Writing Accessories Clipped
Two Sakura Pigma Microns clipped to a Moleskine cahier
The issue with the clip is that the clip on portion is hard plastic so you must be careful when sliding it on to your notebook. If you take up too many pages, it may bend your paper back or tear it. Once it's on though, it's pretty handy dandy.

JetPens - $14.95

This is not something I would have looked twice at while perusing JetPens, but now that I have tried them, I'm glad I did. I don't like adhesive pen loops for notebooks because once the notebook is done, you can't move the pen loop! This Moleskine accessory set is nice because it can be used with most of my pens and can be moved to a new notebook when the old one is full. It's a great way and secure way to store your writing utensils. The only downside is that it does not fit every pen.

**I was provided one or more of these products for review, but all opinions are my own!


  1. Azizah,

    Great review of an unusual item. You do these baubles justice. (An aside: I love that you admit to owning Bic Cristols. They are among my guilty pleasures.) At your recommendation, I pick up three Itoya PaperSkaters, which are everything an inexpensive pen ought to be. Your writing style flows effortlessly, and your cats are True Wild Things. I hit your site at least once a day, knowing I 'll feel a bit better after reading what I find these.

    Randy (call me that) Schwartz

  2. Thank you so much Randy! I am honored to have you as a reader and I so appreciate your comment and encouragement :) I'm so glad you like the PaperSkaters, I really love those myself. I noticed isellpens has some purple refills on sale hehe I may need to get some. A purple PaperSkater would be my dream come true! If there's anything you want to see on here, let me know!
