Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mailbox Goodies: Inky Goods

Surely you've all heard Rohrer & Klingner released a Limited Edition blue-black ink (only 1000 bottles worldwide!). At first I wasn't going to get it but then I thought, I don't have any blue-blacks at all, maybe this one is a nice first choice. Also, I liked the idea of having one of a thousand bottles. I ordered a bottle from Goulet Pens, along with two ink samples during their 20% off sale - Noodler's El Lawrence, and Pelikan Edelstein Turmaline.
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Hooray for the new green bubble wrap!
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Ok so I got too excited and started opening it (the right side) when I realized I should take a picture of it first.
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I had requested a cat drawing because I had read about Drew's drawings on FPN. I did say if they didn't have time, not to worry, but I still got this super cool drawing in the pretty new Noodler's Liberty's Elysium.
I was pleased to see the new biodegradable bubble wrap that Goulet Pens has been in the process of introducing. It seems just as good as the non-biodegradable stuff, so I was really happy about that. My limited edition box was totally mangled inside though, I have no idea how it happened and I'm really bummed about it. Le sigh.
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An inky little order. 
Rohrer & Klingner blue-black
Sigh. My poor box.
Rohrer & Klingner blue-black
On the bright side, I love the Turmaline (not surprising), and the El Lawrence, which I picked up by recommendation of Rori - thanks Rori, GREAT suggestion! I am definitely going to get a bottle of this. Actually... I may need both. "Need".
Noodler's El Lawrence
Yummy. Motor oil-y.
Rohrer & Klingner blue-black
A great first blue-black!


Joe said...

I got my R&K ink the other day...can't wait to try it out. Is the El Lawrence a dark green?

GourmetPens said...

I love the RK already!
El Lawrence is indeed a dark green... a friend described it as motor oil colored! It's really great though. When it's very wet, it looks like a green-black, then dries into a dark green. Hard to really capture on camera (in these conditions anyway)!

Estivalia said...

The Goulets are awesome people. Last time I also requested a doodle and it was hilarious (I ended up forgetting blogging about it, lol). I ordered from the the other day too, it's an addiction.

I need more penpals to justify all my pens/ink "needs" xD

Joe said...

Awesome, green is my favorite color. I only have one green ink, Noodler's Sequoia, but I'll have to check this one out too. How is the shading and wetness of R&K?

Rori Lieurance said...

Oh the R&K is so nice! Did you like the Turmaline? I like Larmes de Cassis better--pinker. What'd you put the R&K in?

GourmetPens said...

R&K's shading is very pretty! It's my first blue black so I'm not very familiar with what the shading should look like, and I didn't know what to expect, but I think it's really nice. It's kind of hard to tell in my picture there, but it certainly goes from a lighter blue black to a darker, more saturated blue black. I'm not an ink expert, but I'd say the flow is good. With the dip pen, it's very wet of course, and is less wet in a fountain pen, but gave me no flow/dryness issues (in a Lamy Safari medium). I hope this helps a bit :)

The El Lawrence is a fast favorite of mine! A very unusual green!

millicent said...

I ordered the R&K Ltd Ed B/B also. I have not cracked open the bottle because the white box is trashed on my bottle #128 too! I am fairly livid because all of the carton packaging was unscathed. It is starting to look like it is the display box itself that has issues. I am still waiting for Goulet Pens to get back with me on the issue . . .

GourmetPens said...

YES, so sad! I believe Goulet will be getting replacement boxes from R&K... I had emailed them about my sad trashed box and Rachel responded saying they were contacting R&K. Fingers crossed :) I'd really like to keep my box, it's so pretty. I mean, a non-mangled box version of my box!

Brian Goulet said...

I'm really sorry to see your box like that! You're not the only one to have a messed up box, it looks like the design of the box just doesn't hold up to shipping very well. We've contacted them and are getting replacement boxes, so shoot us an email if you're interested :) orders at gouletpens dot com :)

GourmetPens said...

The doodles are such a fun touch hehehehe. Do you still have yours? You should post it :D I'd love to see it! Will you also post about your order? I love seeing other peoples's mailbox goodies!!

GourmetPens said...

I'll pick up a sample of that, it looks pretty!

GourmetPens said...

Oh my! I am honored that you stopped by and commented! I will send you guys an email right away - thanks so much! I mean, I know it's not your fault, clearly you can't open up the boxes and pack them properly or anything, but I appreciate the opportunity to get a new one :D

Estivalia said...

Sure! I still have the invoice around, but my Pilot Prera (which I used for my first ED conversion experiment) is still MIA XD

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