Monday, July 16, 2012

Mailbox Goodies: OrganInks, Get Glue & "Washi" Tape

Ok, so the "washi" tape isn't technically Mailbox Goodies, but they're new items so I figured I'd just add them in here. I've been sick all weekend and as such, I'm rather miserable, but I had a great set of mailbox goodies today!

I signed up for Organics Studios full ink review membership this week, and my samples arrived already!
OrganInks Samples
What's in heeeere? I started opening it in the car but realized pulling out fluffy packing peanuts with the air conditioning on high was a bad idea. Self restraint people, I've got it. 
OrganInks Samples
All bundled up safely.
OrganInks Samples
The neon arrived in my previous order, but I added it in anyway. I am in love with the eyedropper bottle. I wish they were all adorable wee little eyedropper bottles. 
Some stickers from Get Glue (don't judge me based on these stickers please. I'll do anything for stickers)...
Get Glue Stickers
I looooveses stickers!
And last but not least, I dragged Kevin to Target to help me look for these "printed paper rolls" - which essentially look like washi tapes. There were four color sets, fortunately in stock, so I picked up one of each and asked Kevin to help me pick a color... and he kept all four for me. He said "We'll just stand here for half an hour to come to the conclusion I'm going to come to: get them all". Isn't he awesome? Well, sometimes he is, because he's vehemently against washi tape, but that's probably because he's a guy and is trying to stop me from buying an absurd stock of it. ... Which may happen yet. Anyway, they were $4.09 per set. Not bad.
Washi Tape from Target
Blue, green, red, and orange! 


Zeynep F. said...

Small bottles (especially the one with eye dropper) seems absolutely cute!

Sara Anderson said...

They have ORANGE now?? I must return to Target. very. soon.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Yeah!! The orange was the most sold, from the looks of it. I had to dig around in the red pile to find it!

Danni Ninja-Plato Lawrence said...

Those printed paper rolls are really pretty and cute. Do you have to use glue with them or are they sticky? Damn not having a Target in the UK!

Azizah Asgarali said...

They're already sticky :D They are so cute and there are SOOOO many places online to buy them - I can put a post up with a bunch of places if you'd like to check them out :D

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