Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Inkventory Labelling

I really need to do a catalog of my inks or something, because they are just a bunch of bottles in a cupboard. I have a vague idea of the ones I have, but since crossing the line of 40 bottles (which isn't that many, but I forget things easily), I am forgetting more and more. I use an ink rack full of tubes as my working stock, to prevent contamination or spillage of a full bottle. And in some cases, it's easier to work from a tube than the bottle - like with J. Herbin bottles - they are lovely, but they're also a pain.

But as I amassed more tubes in that rack, I had to lift each tube out to find the one I wanted and that would take awhile.

In swoops these tiny adorable little labels which I have now stuck on the tops of each tube to indicate what that tube is holding. Much better for picking through the entire rack now.
Inkventory Labelling
One half.
Inkventory Labelling
The other half.
Unfortunately, I need a second rack. (Note: I got a second rack. And a third.) Such a tragedy, isn't it? How do you guys keep your inks sorted and organized? Do you work straight out of the bottles?


bonnie jean woolger said...

wow! 40 looks like luxury to me, I have a bottle of black ink...no rack necessary LOL :)

Joe said...

This is a good idea. Although I only have about 10 ink bottles, my ink sample inventory is getting a bit out of hand. I may have to come up with a numbering system instead of the full name because I don't think I can write that small! Plus, I really like the idea of using the small vials as your working stock.

Shangching CH said...

I am definitely not as organized as you. I work straight out of bottles and since I rearrange my cabinets, now all inks are just turn of a body away. The only organization I did was the cataloging I blogged about awhile back.

mjcong said...

oh my! i've not played with my new inks yet but that is a great plan... though on my ink rack with the samples i've gotten from the goulets, i've them grouped by color :) ya im slightly anal

Azizah Asgarali said...

Buahahha hey, organizing by color is pretty tidy!! I haven't done that because what happens when you have a purple-blue color? Does it go with the purples? Or the blues? Or the purple-blues? :|

mjcong said...

it then depends on is it more purple or blue.... shrug i have a weird organization system going.. since i mostly ahve samples.. i need to buy a few vials so that i can do what you did... but i dont have nearly as many inks as you do.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Ooooh you must do a post about your desk/ink set up!! All my bottles/samples/vials are in the cupboard of my desk (keep them out of the light) so they're all handy!

Azizah Asgarali said...

I know, I'm totally spoiled. Hehe. I have acquired 40 over several years - though most have been in the last year. It's hard to pass up good sales... I'm a sucker. Do you only like black inks?

Azizah Asgarali said...

Darn. I didn't even think of a numbering system that would correspond to a catalogue. That would be a great idea!! I think the small vials come in very handy... there have been times where I need to dump the ink back into the bottle and I prefer having a separate tube for that instead of putting it into the actual bottle - just in case!

Azizah Asgarali said...

Bloggggg itttttt I love seeing other peoples's set ups hehe. Isellpens has these vials for $2 for 10 instead of $3!

bonnie jean woolger said...

yes, black is my main colour, they are sort of costly and I can never quite decide what colour I might want to try, green, sepia...sooo many :)

David Brennan said...

Very organised. I do a similar thing with my Noodler's ink bottles but I just write their ink number that I use in my database instead of the name.

Shangching CH said...

The ink are in a bamboo box, set on top of the cabinet. That is it. It is definitely not as extraordinary as your lab set up :p

Estivalia said...

That is great storage! Mine are in ziploc baggies... hidden in a drawer :( *hangs in shame*
And sheesh, 40 bottles of ink is nothing! Granted, I have only one full bottle of ink -black LOL-, but I'm close to 70 bottles of nail polish. I know, my priorities are all screwed up.

Azizah Asgarali said...

LOL hey I used to do ziplocs too!! Then a box. Then I realized I couldn't find anything ever. You totally win with 70 bottles of nail polish though. Your nail polish trumps my ink!

Azizah Asgarali said...

Awesome, I think I'll have to start doing that. Clearly fitting "Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses" onto these tiny little labels is a challenge!!

David Brennan said...

Organised my Noodler's into a box just now. http://justdaveyb.com/2012/08/15/hit-the-fifty-noodlers-ink-bottles-and-organised/

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