Thursday, September 13, 2012

Comparison: Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto 5 vs. 4 Component Body

Have you been trying to decide between a Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto 5 component body and 4 component body? Perhaps these pictures will assist you! It's hard to picture, and you may be wondering if the five component body is too big, or if the difference between the two is negligible.

The 5 component body is not significantly larger than the 4 component body, but it may be enough to deter you, or affect your writing.
Coleto Bodies
Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto multipen - 5 component body and 4 component body. 
Coleto Comparisons
Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto multipen - 5 component body and 4 component body. 
Coletos Comparison
Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto multipen - 5 component body and 4 component body.  (Um... it occurs to me those are the same picture...twice. Not sure what I was thinking. It's late. Don't judge me. Enjoy the pen porn.)
IMG_4425 Resized
Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto multipen - 5 component body and 4 component body tip section. Note the neat grip on it. 
Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto 5 vs. 4 Component Body
In hand - the Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto multipen - 5 component body and 4 component body.  Here is where you can see the actual different between the two, rather than when they are just sitting on the desk.
Coleto Tops
Closed and open tops. The size difference is a little more visible here again.
Coleto Tops Open
Aaaand just because they're pretty and colorful.
I have "normal" girl hands and I don't think the 5 component body is too big, unless I'm using it for extensive writing. But for jotting things in my Filofax, or even doodling where I stop to plan my next doodle step, it's just fine. If you're worried about the size, stick with the 4 component body, just to be on the safe side. I do love having five colors available though, that rocks!! Who doesn't love multi pens?

Of course, the perfect solution here is to get both...

The Coleto bodies range in price from $1.65 to $16.50 - and there are a lot of sizes and color selections in there. Don't forget to pick up some refills, also available in several tip sizes, and many delicious colors!


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