My pen cups were overflowing. My desk was a mess. These were desperate times. Pens were being stuck in places they couldn't fit!
Well, no, not really. But we had these really cute containers from gelato/sorbetto we had bought, and I thought they would be perfect as modified pen cups!
These are delicious, FYI. |
And the containers are sturdy and adorable. |
And Kevin said washi tape is useless. PUH! Shows what he knows! I employed my new "
printed paper tape" from Target to prove him wrong!
A mixture of green, orange, yellow, and dots. |
Pinky-red, blue, orange, and green stripes! |
The end products! |
I think they're cute. And they look cute on my desk! And have added a whole bunch more space for my pens - the ones that belong on the desk at all times anyway! There are so many more pens... |
I thought about putting two layers but I kind of liked being able to see the cute font through the tape. Plus when it's not light out, you can't really see the writing anyway.
They also hold ink samples very cutely.
What do you guys think? How do you use your washi tape?
Pfft, hubbies rarely know a thing about anything ;)
For example, I guess he hasn't seen this 100 DIY Washi Tape Projects list
Ahhh, I need more tape (I only have 3 lol).
Hope you're enjoying your Saturday :D
I like seeing the words...especially Talenti! I have washi tape & need more pen storage, so this was great timing!
Nice repurposing! However, it does look like maybe a pen or two (Zebra??) are upside down in the holder - my OCD is showing :)
what a great idea!
These look awesome! I really want some washi tape of my own, but sadly I have been unable to find it in any local stores. I could also use a pen cup or two (the stack of pens that are sitting around loose on the top of my desk is growing) so this would be a great project. I may just have to break down and buy some washi tape online because I'm sure that I would be able to think of million different things to do with it...
Thanks! I saw other people decorating vases and stuff and I was thinking, a decorated pencil cup would be perfect!
LOL!! Well, you are right. It's insanity to have them upside down. Fear not, I will remedy that situation ASAP.
It was sooo good, this stuff. I'd love to see what you create with your tape!
SWEET thank you for sharing! I mean, clearly this is bolstering my creativity... and that's good for... life. Right?
Oh man the selection of washi tape online is SOOOO good... I couldn't blame you for going online. I tried to convince Kevin to let me order some online but he insisted "$50 of washi tape just to get the free shipping is insanity".... I beg to differ. So my plan is to make awesome things with what I have to prove to him how fun and cool it is, then he won't be able to argue with me when I show him all the great ones available. Buahahaha!
Search your local Office Depot/Max stores. They sell Scotch brand washi tapes and there are probably over 50 different designs in two widths.
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