Monday, October 8, 2012

Mailbox Goodies: Eyedroppers, Schneiders & Stickers

I realize that stickers is in my Mailbox Goodies titles quite often. I am shameful that way.

These delightful fountain pens come from India, courtesy of Fountain Pen Revolution. I have been checking out a few pens on FP Revolution for some time but just never knew what to settle on and kept putting it off. Lucky for me, I won a very generous giveaway recently, and ta-da! Here are my goodies!
FP Revolution Eyedroppers
I selected two Airmail 444 eyedropper pens with flex nibs. They also threw in a Serwex 101 for me, and they came with a little eyedropper for filling the pens. Thank you Kevin and FP Revolution! check them out on Facebook!

Some awesome Schneider goodies for reviewing - thank you Kerry!
Schneider Pens
In a recent stroll through Staples, I found a few of the Martha Stewart home office supplies on sale. Not a huge sale or anything, but $1 off left these labels at $2.99, which was good enough for me. So I picked up a pack of seven colors and one of five. I have zero intentions of using these for actual labeling. Stickers!! These qualify as an associated addiction for me.
And some more stickers - Get Glue style.
Get Glue
Get Glue
Please do not judge me based on the stickers you see here. I am ashamed of some of them. And some are just for the sticker.


Bonnie Jean Woolger said...

The fountain pens look great but I am going to have to learn how the eyedropper works :)

Estivalia said...

The eyedroppers look so fun! I converted a Preppy to ED a while ago, and it's gun but da-yamn, the ink lasts FOREVER...

KenouniRenashin said...

I want those Schneider sliders... Yum.

Azizah Asgarali said...

I was waiting for these to arrive so I could try them out and let you know how they are. I'll let you know soon - I'm about to ink them right now!

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