Thursday, November 22, 2012

CoolPencilCase Black Friday & Cyber Monday Weekend Sale

Remember I reviewed several adorable items that are so cute - but also totally practical. Your heart will hurt. It really is cute overload.Well, heads up my happy chap readers!
CoolPencilCase is having one of its biggest sales of the year from Black Friday to Cyber Monday - all weekend! So, from Friday, November 23 (12:00 a.m) to Monday, November 26 (11:59 p.m), CoolPencilCase is offering up to 50% off during this four day sale on items such as:

- All gift sets

- All iPhone Cases

- Select Pencil Cases, such as:

No codes needed for this sale! And, as always, CoolPencilCase has free shipping in the U.S. and Canada with any $10 purchase (which is crazy awesome), as well as a $4.95 flat rate for international orders with any $10 purchase.
Should you fancy keeping up with CoolPencilCase (which you SHOULD fancy), follow them on Facebook and/or Twitter, and keep up with their blog!


Estivalia said...

Oh, goodness. The cute. It's too much. Must. Resist. Agggh :)

bmillicent said...

Thanks for the 411, especially since your post is the only clue about which items might be reduced :( The website is very mysterious . . .

Azizah Asgarali said...

They are being quite secretive. I'm surprised they let me have this much information hehe. But it starts soon.....

Azizah Asgarali said...

I do not support resisting!

bmillicent said...

Yep - remains to be seen (tomorrow) what's on tap . . .

Already put in an order at Poppin, since they have freebies and free shipping - just sayin' :)

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