Monday, November 5, 2012

Mailbox Goodies: Jackpot!

If you've been wondering where I was last week (which you probably weren't because I had posts scheduled and such), Kevin and I went to San Francisco. He was actually attending a training course for work, so I just tagged along. Why not, right? Although I hate leaving my kitties at home. I usually give them a big squeeze before I leave. But I miss them like crazy when I'm gone.
I visited Maido and spent a little while there scouring every inch of the place. Would you believe I only left with these few items? Okay, and then we went to the second Maido located in Kinokuniya. ... I didn't do too badly there either!
Maido Goodies
The stickers were $0.92. I couldn't say no.
Maido Goodies
Cute stamps!
Maido Goodies
I. Am. A HUGE. Sucker. Please don't judge me.
But while we were away, I received some other parcels too! Some ink...
Ink Samples
I've been dying to try these for ages.
My Field Notes arrived! A Field Notes subscription is genius. Do it. 
Field Notes Traveling Salesman
YES. I love the green paper.
A delightful mixture of goods from CoolPencilCase!
CoolPencilCase - Notebook, Stickers, Tabs, Tape


Bonnie Jean Woolger said...

Glad you had a good time:) I love the little grey pencil bag and the ink samples best, just thought I would share :)

mjcong said...

glad you had fun! soooo i <3 japan town in SF :P

Estivalia said...

I did notice you were gone! I missed your quirkiness (and your cats) on my Twitter timeline :c

Anyway, is thatt ALL you got? you showed some great restraint woman! I'd have brought back half the store with me :D And those chubby hamsters/thingies are SO. CUTE.

Azizah Asgarali said...

BUAHAHA aren't they adorable?? They made me think of Tyco, so I couldn't NOT get them :D I wanted more. I filled my basket. Kevin made me filter. Hmph.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Agreed. Awesome place.

Azizah Asgarali said...

I can't argue with that - I couldn't leave without the pencil case!

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