Monday, November 26, 2012

Mailbox Goodies: Paint, Stickers & RAH

First, this totally awesome watercolor painting of Tyco comes from Mia (@mabeloos). I'm so honored that she sent the original piece to me, and so happy to have it! We are going to frame it and put it up, of course! Thank you so much, Mia. We love it!
Watercolor of Tyco by Mia
Also note her awesome business card, and her beautiful handwriting peeking out from behind Mr. Pants.
This month's Rad and Hungry STMT kit is from Puerto Rico. I won this bad boy during RAH's "Hunt" (you really should follow on Facebook and Twitter to be privy to this goodness). You'll have to wait for the real post to see what's inside!
RAH Puerto Rico Kit
Picked me up some stickers at Sticker Mule as well! You know how I feel about stickers.
Sticker Mule Stickers


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