Saturday, December 29, 2012

PaperMate InkJoy Ink Blob

I have reviewed both the PaperMate InkJoy 700RT and 300RT ballpoint pens, and soon my review of the 100s will be up, but in the meantime, here is something that drives me nuts about them. But I also love it because I love the smell of ink. But it drives me nuts because it makes a huge mess when I don't notice it in time.


PaperMate InkJoy Ink Blob


Sara A said...

FREAKY! I am happy to say I haven't had this issue yet... I love the 100s... the higher numbered models don't write as non-gloppy for me but they are still nice.

Azizah Asgarali said...

For the price, I don't mind too much about the blobbing... except for when I'm trying to write something nice and it poops on my paper! I still quite like them :) Great colours, right?

Jackie Parkins said...

Mine do the same thing and it drives me nuts. I write actual snail mail letters and while these pens are fine for grocery lists and small notes, I don't use them for letters anymore, it's just too annoying to have to keep wiping the blobs away.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Agreed. I don't use these for "nice" things anymore!

Alan said...

After all the hype on the packaging, I feel cheated. The InkJoy is nothing special, it's an average writer and worse than average at blobbing. I wish I'd bought five Bic Cristals with the money.

Azizah Asgarali said...

I think that's totally justified. You're right. They were hugely hyped and they perform far inferior to Bic Cristals. I only like them because they have colors although I *think* Bic just released some more colours in the Cristals... don't quote me on that though, I must double check.

Stephanie said...

I bought the Inkjoy two years ago, and I'm still using them. Recently the ink does run out a bit, but very rarely. I never really noticed the blobbing on my writing, I never actually studied the ink as closely as was done on this blog. :) I have noticed the actual blob residue that stays on the pen, however. Usually I don't notice it in time (as the pens are stored in my pencil case), so I have a dried blob of ink on my pen that I have to get rid of... Kind of annoying.

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