Saturday, February 9, 2013

Some More Tomoe River Paper Pictures

I realize that's a terribly boring post title, but when I was doing research for the review, I had a tough time finding specific information. So if someone wants pictures, well gosh darnit, pictures they shall have! My guest review of Tomoe River paper is up on FPGeeks's site!

I wrote the orange Tomoe River with a Namiki Falcon SF inked with Noodler's Apache Sunset. Below is some writing in Diamine Havasu Turquoise in a Waterman 52V vintage wet noodle flex pen. 
Tomoe River Paper
I was thoroughly impressed by the paper's ability to handle even the wettest of nibs! Show through is strong, but it did not bleed through.
Tomoe River Paper Writing Sample Back of Page

Tomoe River Paper Writing Sample
Tomoe River Paper Writing Sample
As I mentioned in the review, inks look rich and velvety on this paper, and it really brings out shading. It also helps bring out the ink's sheen if there is one, because the ink doesn't get absorbed into the paper.
Tomoe River Paper - Sheen with Private Reserve Ebony Blue 2


Estivalia said...

my goodness, that sheen is to die for! (one of my favorite characteristics of inks, second to shading, in sheen).

I've heard of this paper on FPN, is it new? where can I get some? :D

kp said...

Forget the Tomoe River Paper. That Namiki Falcon SF is lookin' pretty good, actually.

Azizah Asgarali said...

It is quite yummy. This paper makes it even better!

Azizah Asgarali said...

I think it's catching on, but has probably been around for awhile! It's a pain to get, but you can buy some from penandhand on FPN -

I just ordered 2 reams from him!

Jumps said...

Wow. What ink/pen did you use to write "Difficult to handle man... they're floppy" with? I must find out, buy it, and giggle every time I use it.

Lesley said...

Quick question... relative to other paper (using same ink) do you find that inks dry faster or about the same? I'm writing on it for the first time just now and i'm amazed at how fast the ink dries (also trying new ink). Lovely post/handwriting/etc.

Azizah Asgarali said...

HAHAHA hilarious. That was with a Ken Cavers cigar fountain pen (fine nib) LOL they're super floppy. It is rather comical hahahaha

Azizah Asgarali said...

Compared to something like Rhodia/Clairefontaine which is really smooth and kind of coated, it dries a little faster on this paper, but compared to something like an inexpensive copy paper or just scrap paper or whatever, it's much slower. In my experience anyway! Although occasionally, my pen will just write wetter based on the ink or pressure I'm using or some random thing like that! Totally. Worth it.

And thank you for your compliment <3 :)

Jumps said...

The ink looks awesome in that pen!

Azizah Asgarali said...

Definitely - it brings out its sheen!

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