Friday, March 8, 2013

Old Journal Out, New Journal In!

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know I have been using a journal I just..really hate... for awhile now. I even received permission from several tweeps to STOP using it as my journal (and just use it for scrap paper or whatever else I needed) and to not feel obligated to use it as a journal. I just couldn't do it. I stopped for awhile but had to finish it. Its lack of completeness was bothering me.

Guess what? I finally finished it!! I will never, ever again buy a journal I do not absolutely love. Because it's torture to use it. So here is the wretched journal in question:
Old Journal Out - March 2013
I went through my stash of unused journals (which is probably larger than it should be... sigh...) and picked out this one - a Banditapple Carnet Tablet Notebook in Manduka Honey, with lined paper. A nice size for journaling because it's not so big that it's intimidating to fill, but it's not so small that it's awkward to write/doodle in. And the paper is good with fountain pens!
New Journal In - March 2013
While it's a very pretty and warm colour, I wanted to decorate it. Do not judge my skills, I have none.
New Journal In - March 2013
I can hear you laughing. I know you are!!
New Journal In - March 2013


Unknown said...

Ha ha ha ha (sorry).

Sandra Strait said...

I'm not laughing! Your work is stylized in a nice way and the composition is fantastic. Have fun journaling in your Banditapple. It's one of the brands I've yet to try.

Sheila McLean said...

I am not laughing. I dare not, because if what you did represents "no skills," then what I could do represents "skills so bad that people run away rather than having to view the result." I think it's cute! And I must admire your perseverence with a hated journal - I would've tossed it to the curb eons ago!

Azizah Asgarali said...

LOL!!! Oh Sheila, you gave me a good chuckle! I am rather proud of my perseverance with this wretched thing! If only I could be this good with all other wretched aspects of life... (boring chores... phone calls I procrastinate on, etc)

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you Sandra! A high compliment from such an artist :D I am very much enjoying this Banditapple! I had reviewed them awhile back but I had really only broken in the smaller ones. This big one is lovely!

bmillicent said...

Congrats on completion accompanied by frustration :)

What made that particular book so distasteful - I wanna know what to avoid!

Also congrats on your rising fame with FPG!

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thanks :D *Shudders* It was: too thick (too many pages, took forever to finish...), cheap, terrible plastic coils that broke and kept spinning and misaligning which would cause the whole notebook to get all wonky.. I was constantly fixing it so the pages would stay straight. Drove me bonkers! Le sigh.

And thank you :D Hardly fame hahaha the gents are far more famed! I do love being even a tiny part of FPG though!!

Jackie Parkins said...

No giggles, here, either. It's not about skills, it's about whether or not YOU like it, right? I think it looks lovely, and the important thing is that you will enjoy using it.

Azizah Asgarali said...

:) True that. Not about skills. Skills don't matter when I'm the only one that has to use it! I really like the cover. It's so cheery now.

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GourmetPens by Azizah Asgarali is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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