
Monday, May 13, 2013

Mailbox Goodies: Pen Pal Goods

Two of my sweet pen pals, Tanja and Jennie, have sent along some very useful things for me to enjoy - ink samples and stationery!

Tanja sent me this adorable post card (which looks like her very own art work) along with Noodler's Habanero and Noodler's Lexington Grey.
Tanja's Parcel
Jennie sent me very cute (and random, another of my favorite things) stationery cards, some lemon ginger tea to try out - yes, I very much enjoy teas - stickers, and a hilarious To/From.
Jennie's Parcel
To: The Ink Harlot (that would be me.)
From: The Paper Tramp (that would be Jennie.)

Thank you both! One can never have too many inks or stationery. ... Right? Besides, I use both on a daily basis!


  1. I like the green ink on the envelope, I never dared to use colorful inks in letters, just in case some water get on it during transit (however unlikely that is).

  2. How was the tea? :D I'm a tea drinker myself. :)

  3. I'm so glad you liked the stationery - I do my best to enable my friends. After all, if I"m going to be an addict I want to drag all my friends along with me;) Maybe I should change my FPGeeks handle to Papertramp:D

  4. hahah @Jennie Sisler that is such a funny handle. Anyway, aziziah i still owe you a letter and a prezzie.. *sighs* after the semester i keep promising myself that i will then send out stuff to people...

  5. Such great stuff! LOVE the owl stickers! Can I exchange a letter with you to get one in return? ;0)

  6. this is such a fun idea! I want me some of that tea. :-)

  7. I went looking for it today but the place had no Twinings!! Disgraceful!

  8. Of course!! I'll send you my mailing address - I will most definitely reply :)

  9. Isn't it awesome?? Paper Tramp buahahaha! She needs a Paper Tramp stamp..... oh my god. I'm a genius. PAPER TRAMP STAMP. Ok. Ok I need to stop before I hurt myself with excitement.

    No worries! You are always on the go - whenever you get around to it, I'll be more than happy to receive :)

  10. Very nice! Not overly gingery - quite nicely balanced. I went to get some more but the place didn't carry Twinings which is shameful. This will also be perfect when I'm not feeling well. I can't have ginger in huge quantities so this was a good blend.

  11. Agreed, lovely ink. I put a thin layer of beeswax over my addresses on envelopes when I use ink on them :) Just in case water splashes on them. Maybe it won't protect them 100% but hopefully enough that they will remain legible enough!

  12. LOOOL that would be sooo funny!! I love it, super cute. I need to go on a major stationery and goodies hunt. I've been restraining myself way too much lately. I mean, who does that? Crazy people, that's who. XOXO

  13. Sounds really nice! I'll give it a try!

  14. buahhahahaha dont hurt yourself with all that brilliant-ness!

  15. um isnt that because you and Dan and a no buy rule set up for like 2 weeks?

  16. LOL Eric did, but hey, that was only until April 30! And look at me, I'm STILL going! STILL!

  17. You just need to go three sheets to the wind on this restraint thing....;)

  18. Well there may be a box of tea headed your way in the future. :)

  19. Insert rimshot here;)

  20. <3 You're too sweet. You don't have to do that! I know it's around here somewhere!!

  21. Well I know I don't *have* to do that, but I *want* to and that's what pen pals are for right?:)
