Friday, May 24, 2013

Sparkles and Stamps

I have been going through my junk boxes and trying to reorganize things because at some point, I threw everything into boxes so they weren't visible. But now I know they're in there, messy. In the process of taking everything out, I thought I would share with you my collection of sparkles and stamps! It's pretty modest (I think)... at least compared to some collections I've seen belonging to others!
Rubber Stamps
Yes,  I have two paw prints. Because I'm paranoid and was worried about only having one of that particular paw print. So now I have two.
I've only used the sparkles a few times to decorate cards. I'm not entirely sure how to use them actually. Do you use sparkles? How do you make use of them? There's also some beads in the upper corner there that I have no clue how to use. (Of course, you may be wondering, why the heck did you buy all of these if you have no idea how to use them? Why indeed.)
Martha Stewart Sparkles


mjcong said...

no i dont even wonder.. its a stationary craft item.. that is why aziziah buys them

Tanja said...

The set in the middle with the purple and orange kitties looks a bit like a Hero Arts set…

Heather said...

Love your stamp collection, Azizah! Especially all the cat-themed stamps :) That is one supply that I don't have any of. I used to have some when I was really young, but those are sadly long gone now. Not sure what you could do with the sparkles, but even if you don't use them, they'll look nice all lined up on a shelf :)

Jackie Parkins said...

I spy a Hero Arts kitty in the second row, all the way to the left. In all of my collection, and it is quite considerable, I do not have a single one of these stamps, but that is a lovely selection. I don't use much glitter these days, but a glue pen or some double sided tape is a good way to use it.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Buahahaha... yeah. That's about right.

Azizah Asgarali said...

I had no clue what Hero Arts was but it seems like you're right!! @Jackie Parkins mentioned the same thing :D Of course, I bought them because I saw them and thought "that's cute"!

Azizah Asgarali said...

HAHAHA the theme here seems to be "dump sparkles" and I love it. I can deal with that. I even have lots of glue!!! I must find things to put sparkles on. I should just start dumping sparkles into my envelopes to pen pals. Boy, wouldn't everyone hate me. *giggles maniacally*

Azizah Asgarali said...

They are eye candy, that's for sure! Shiny AND colors! I'm going to attempt sparkly stamping and see how that works out...

Azizah Asgarali said...

That kitty is one of my favorites :) I had no clue what it was hehe. I have been hesitant to use the sparkles because I'm worried about the mess. I'll have to lock the cats out of the room and have at it. I have lots of gluuuuue! No excuses now.

Gentian said...

Yes! As Daly said. I've seen a lot of glittered shoes made with Mod-Podge and glitter. I think it's quite popular at the moment :)

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