Saturday, June 15, 2013

Currently Inked - June 15. 2013

Currently Inked - June 14. 2013
Currently Inked - June 14. 2013


Estivalia said...

Lovely assortment of colors, very bright for the warmer season ;) Of the ones here, my tried favorites are Tsutsuji (how could it not, it ALWAYS finds a way in my rotation hah) and Soft Mint (I need to pick up a bottle of this! I'm running out of the sample Gentian sent me :p)

Also do you have any bottled inks that are close to the Apricot cartridge for the Pilot Petit?

Trece said...

I love your handwriting!! Do you actually use all the pens that are inked? The paper in my daily journal is so cheap, I can only use ball points!!

howie86 said...

Why did you mix the Waterman and the Pilot. Is it for the color? Or some other measure of performance?

howie86 said...

also, have you surveyed a lot of browns? I am curious for a recommendation. I have written with J. Herbin Lie de The, but I find the color to be too light (although the shading is great...)

Azizah Asgarali said...

Tsutsuji is a must. Pretty much the best pink ever made, yes?? I am enjoying the Soft mint as well (also from Gentian LOL). It's a very unique, interesting color. I like it. Makes me think of mint chocolate chip ice cream :D

The Sailor Jentle Apricot is pretty close - a little more saturated but I'd say it's even better than the Apricot cartridge!

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you! I absolutely do use all inked pens :) Unless some weird situation comes up, they never go dry on me - they're all used until the ink runs out! My current journal is a Banditapple Carnet. Sometimes an inexpensive journal might surprise you and still be fountain pen friendly so if you haven't checked yours, make sure you do :) There's some decent inexpensive options though. That's a good post idea - I'll work on that :)

Azizah Asgarali said...

Hmm... my favorite brown is Diamine Chocolate Brown. It's a deep brown, rich, saturated, and very "yummy" looking. Good price point as well. Much darker than the Lie de The and it does shade, but not as much as Lie de The does.

Trece said...

I took your advice and tried my pens in my current journal. Lots of bleed through. I may need to switch to my PaPaYa notebooks, LOL.

Bob McConnell said...

Wow great assortment of bright colors. I share your affinity for the more saturated inks as opposed to the large amounts of shading inks. I find I can keep about 6 pens inked at once and none ever seem to dry out. I have to keep finding things to write about to use more ink. Thanks for the share


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