Friday, August 9, 2013

Calligraphy Practice - Always Show Kindness...

Calligraphy Practice - Lamy Safari

It's totally true. You just never know. I really try to remind myself of this on a daily basis, and I hope that, somewhere along the way, I have brightened someone's day, even just a little.

Lamy Safari with a 1.1mm italic nib. You can get one at JetPens. The ink is one of my favourites, weird though it is - Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün, also available at JetPens and Anderson Pens.


Tanja said...

The shading of this ink really comes out with the 1.1 nib!

Else-Maria Tennessen said...

Absolutely gorgeous writing, and great sentiment, too! I love this green. It reminds me of the forest!

Syed Ali said...

Very neat handwriting.
I wish I could write that good.

How did you get your 1.1 Lamy nib to write so wet?

I've struggled with mine and had to do surgery on them to get them to flow.

You need an apple-green Lamy safari to go with that ink :)

[So I'll just ask the question here:]
What does R&K Alt Goldgrun taste like?

Heather said...

Gorgeous shading with that ink... and nice calligraphy as well! I'll definitely be trying this ink out for myself :)

Bob said...

So very true, great saying and great handwriting. I try to remind myself I never know another person's circumstances. Their water could be far deeper than mine regardless of how bad my day may seem.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you! This one is a little dry, I usually tap the paper to keep the ink flow going. I do need to tweak the nib a little bit. I DO have the apple green safari actually, what I probably need is that lime green one from awhile back or maybe even the new neon one :D I need them all.

Would you believe I haven't tasted this ink yet? My bottle is half empty and has been contaminated by many nibs...

Azizah Asgarali said...


Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you Bob. Right you are. Well put - their water could be far deeper. And if it isn't, you probably have made their day even better. Can't go wrong with that.

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