Saturday, August 10, 2013

Lamy Pen P0rn

My collection has grown since I took this picture, and before it grows more, I thought I should share this.



Esteban said...

I only have two (yellow fine and joy callygraphic) but they're always inked, and I try to use them everyday. I've just ordered the yellow neon medium, and it will be also always inked.
What good does a pen that is not inked does?

I just think there is no point in having lots of pens that you use a couple of times a year.

RMinNJ said...

You don't have enough pens :) How do you decide when you go out which one you will take?

Azizah Asgarali said...

I don't have enough pens? I like the way you think ;) I don't take pens out with me - I rarely go places where I will be writing. Shocking, I know. I'm always writing at my desk, where I have access to EVERYTHING. I prefer it that way.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Well, you'll notice these are all different nibs :) No repetition. And because I review pens, sometimes I need to have a catalog of pens for reference. It's just the nature of what I do, so that is their good when uninked. I don't have a lot of pens that I only use a couple of times a year, although I respect your opinion. Nothing wrong with that. To each his or her own.

Esteban López Vega said...

Yes, of course, didn't mean to sound harsh (english is not my primary language).
I'd love to have dozens of pens, but everytime I want to buy a new one, I have to remind myself that I have already 3 (the 2 Lamys I mentioned and a 540 Diamond) and too soon I would end up storing them and not using them, which I would absolutely hate.

For instance, I have 7 or 8 new notebooks (moleskines, hand made, one a friend got me from Florence with leather covers...), but they will ALL get their turn; they will all be full with my writing some day. Pens last very long. I have one that my dad gave to me, from NASA, celebrating something, with a tiny space rocket moving in some liquid... That thing must be from the 60s, and, finding the right refill, it would work again.

Best regards, and congrats on having lots of nice pens!

Midg said...

Love that orange Lamy -- the color is so 1970's. Maybe I think that, though, because I have an orange Sheaffer No Nonsense that is likely from the 70's. Cool, man.

Peter said...

Nice collection Azizah. Would you happen to know if Lamy releases their new, limited edition Safaris on any sort of schedule, or just when the mood strikes the penmeisters in Heidelberg?

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you, Peter :) I'm not sure about the down-to-the-date schedule, but it seems to be annually. Although this year, they released the Safari (neon) and two Al-Stars (the black and the pearl)... although the pearl started out as just a special one and then was removed from production... Rather confusing :|

Peter said...

I guess I'll just have to keep an eye out. I noticed Goulet has some limited edition pink Safaris available. Since real men can use yama-budo ink, I suppose we can use pink pens too. :-)

Dave Homan said...

I want them all! Best porn I've ever seen! I'm looking for the orange, the blue and the lime green. May the gods of nibs show me the way to purchase each!

Dave Homan said...

Lamy = lust for a fountain pen! ;>)

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