Friday, October 4, 2013

Kickstarter: @NockCo. - Pen Cases Hand Made in the USA @Pen_Addict

If you ever needed a magical pencil case, now is the time. NOW. IS THE TIME FOR ACTION. I don't mean magical in that it's a bottomless pencil case, unfortunately. But this is pretty close... in that it'll be bottomless because you will keep filling it because you are a pen addict. Like all the other backers.

Yes. This sexy Nock Co. project already has the funding it needs (with 26 days left), which should speak to its extreme coolness. But you also need a Nock Co. pencil case, so you must check this project out, mkay? There are several delicious options to choose from, or if you can't choose, you could just get them all (and that pledge is totally reasonable at $75USD).

The Chimneytop - Pop-Up Zip Case

The Maryapple - Two Memo Book Bi-Fold

The Lookout - Three Pen Holster
The Hightower - Three + One Bi-Fold Case 

The Sassafras - Five Pen Bi-Fold Case

The Brasstown - Zippered Roll Case

Pledges start at only $15, which is a seriously great price for a handmade in the USA pencil case. You can also get ALL THE PENCIL CASES!!!!!!! for only $75. Check out the project. You'll love it. I'm not just saying that because I have a sick pen addiction...

There's also a Kickstarter-only limited edition colour case, so go look at it. If you're like me, you must have LE things, especially when they're completely reasonably priced and even more so when you get something extremely awesome.  


Jen said...

I put in the $50 that I have my Beaumont, I really should have a proper pen case for it, and with the dozens of other pens I have, there won't be a problem filling them up.

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