Thursday, October 17, 2013

Review: @NockCo. The Sassafras Pen Case - Steel & Blue Jay @Pen_Addict

I know. The reviews are already out. But it took me awhile to get my awesome sauce Nock Co. case to review! Better late than never. I was blown away when I heard that The Pen Addict - our very own Brad Dowdy - had partnered up with Jeffrey Bruckwicki to launch a Kickstarter campaign for Nock Co. Pen cases. By pen addicts for pen addicts. It doesn't get better than that. Thank you, good sirs, for doing this.

If you look at the Kickstarter page, you'll see they've exceeded their funding needs by a tiny bit. Why's that, you say? Well, probably because we pen addicts are a bunch of nut jobs.
This seductive little pen case is a prototype of The Sassafras, which just sounds super saucy, doesn't it? It is the five slot bi-fold case by Nock Co. in steel/blue jay. Personally, I would pick the mandarin/mango colour scheme because I love bright poppin' colours, but I can appreciate these cool masculine colours too.
The case measures 8" x 6.75" - a great size for toting just a few pens (or whatever else you want to put in the larger slots). Closed, it looks like a cute little journal cover. The exterior is made of 1000D nylon and a tear-resistant pack cloth liner. This pen case is made from one piece of fabric so it's pretty tough.
Inside, there are five slots, the last two being larger than the first three. You can still put pens in the larger slots of course. Clipless pens are safe to put in here too as the flaps do hold them in, except during the shake test, they do slide towards the flap. None ever fell out, but if you're really concerned, don't shake your Sassafras around madly like I did.
This case is awesome. It fits in my purse. It also holds a pocket-sized notebook (think Field Notes) right in the middle of it when closed, which is perfect. Or Doane Paper. Do you see the perfection?
Not that it needs a notebook in the middle, because there's these little flaps, you see. The flaps are for protecting the clips when the case is closed. Brad has a thing. A clips-must-not-touch thing. So don't worry, there will be no clip touching, which means your clips and pens will be safe when the case is folded.
I think this case would be SUPER CUTE with a super bright zipper around it. But I have a thing for super bright zippers. It doesn't need one. But it would be cute.

  • Handmade in the USA.
  • Made by pen addicts for pen addicts. That means it's made with us nutters in mind. By other nutters. Nutters that know our needs.
  • Great designs. 
  • Um... adorable little Nock Co. tag.
  • No.
The funny thing about this is, I would be terrified to be in these guys's shoes (because we reviewers can be critical). But they're brave as heck and this thing is going to be successful and amazing because these are wicked pen cases. It's pretty easy to send out prototypes to review when they are sexy beasts.

WELL DONE, GENTS. You've got the Gourmet stamp of tastiness approval.

Check out the Nock Co. Kickstarter page, if you've even made it this far in this review without having run over there to BACK ALL THE THINGS. You can also have a look at the Nock Co. site. Lots of good stuff there. Check out my post about Nock Co.'s Kickstarter campaign as well!

Follow Nock Co. on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!


Tanja said...

I've backed the project for *all the cases* (yes, greedy, I know. But the look so good and the reviews so far praise them so I figured I could keep the ones I like and give the others as gifts to friends. Or maybe keep them all...)

Because getting Field Notes would get a little expensive I've researched my options this week and have concluded that my only reasonable option consists of ordering 50 similar-sized Clairefontaines from a Dutch school supplies site. I know, horrible option, but I'll just have to suck it up… ;)

Pen Paper Ink Letter said...

Great selection of pens for this review.

snedwos said...

Banditapple Peewees?

Azizah Asgarali said...

Great idea. Those are a good option.

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