Thursday, November 14, 2013

Review: @SulaJaneandEarl Journal, Phone and Pen Cover - Cloud

I finally got an iPhone a few months ago. Yes, after five years of having a BlackBerry (shut it). So when I saw Sula Jane and Earl making this Journal, Phone, and Pen Cover, I was like WHAAAAA. Because I love having things that hold all my accessories together in one place. Yes, like a bag. Only better.

Sula Jane and Earl Phone, Journal, and Pen Cover - Cloud
Size: 6.25" x 10"
Color: Cloud
Price: $47.00USD
Where to buy: Sula Jane and Earl


This handmade Journal, Phone, and Pen leather cover has three openings - one for your smartphone (or mobile, I suppose... do people still use those?), one for your writing instrument of choice (I'm guessing a fountain pen and stylus combination), and a pocket-sized notebook. A beautiful trifecta, no? There is a little strap to button your leather cover closed so nothing falls out. I rather love it. It is simple and lovely.
Sula Jane and Earl Phone, Journal, and Pen Cover - Cloud

I love the leather used by Sula Jane and Earl. In this case, it is the perfect softness - soft enough that it molds around your device, pen, and notebook, holding them all snug in place, but it's easy enough to remove them. It is soft to the touch. Oh, and it smells delicious.
Sula Jane and Earl Phone, Journal, and Pen Cover - Cloud
Is it handy? Most definitely. I love being able to pull this from my bag and have my three favourite things ready and waiting for me. In the coolest way possible.
Sula Jane and Earl Phone, Journal, and Pen Cover - Cloud
  • Many gorgeous colours to choose from.
  • Lies flat, even when full.
  • Very convenient way to keep my three favourite items together!
  • No.  None. 
I really love this journal, phone, and pen cover. It's most convenient, it's soft, it's handmade, there's so many beautiful colours to choose from... what's not to love?!

Follow Sula Jane and Earl

This brilliant journal, phone, and pen cover was sent for review by Sula Jane and Earl. I was not compensated for this review. All opinions here are 100% my own and not influenced in any way. Except by the awesome product.


Jen said...

Sadly yes, there are people (meaning me and Bill) who don't have smartphones;) Don't you just love when the new car smell transfers over to stationery and stuff? Or is that just me? Since ya know, I'm the sun of crazy:D I have a leather journal that I adore for that very reason.

Esteban López Vega said...

It seems like it won't properly hold a normal sized pen, even in the page they show it with a Safari and it looks just about to fall.

mjcong said...

OMG. drools

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