Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Peaches in a box


Breck said...

Is that an ocicat?

Azizah Asgarali said...

She's a leopard rosetted bengal :)

Breck said...

I have no idea what that is. Is this rosetted bengal related to ocicats? They look the same to this ignorant non-cat person.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Oh sorry hehe, they resemble but are quite different. Bengals are crossed with an Asian Leopard Cat whereas ocicats are bred from domestic cats. In other words, Bengals are nuts and Ocicats are not. Only crazy people get Bengals....! :)

Breck said...

Thanks Azizah for the info. I had never heard of this hybrid. It is interesting that the ocicat breeding program produced such a resemblance to this Bengal. At least in markings. I'll have to sutdy some photos of both types to see if the actual morphlogy is as similar. I think the ears and even skull shape may be quite different. Btw did you get my last letter? I sent it to the Austin address. Cheers, Breck

Breck said...

My cursory reading mentions the temperament "issue". Apparently F4 generation is as gentle as the domestic cat. Early generations are reserved for breeders and "specialty home environments" (!). Does the latter refer to your home? Btw, I am rather violently allergic to cats with a quick onset of respiratory congestion. Hence I have no great love for cats in general and only a biologist's curiosity at best.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Ah, just because you're allergic doesn't mean you can't love cats. Many cat lovers are allergic to them! :) These Bengals are F5s... didn't want to deal with the risk of spraying inside and all that. Even so, they require A LOT of attention.. they're not "get them on a whim" types of cats, that's for sure. And a lot of people do that, and a lot of them get dumped in shelters because they're too much to handle. I did receive your letter, thanks! I'm currently not pen-palling though (since I did owe you a response to your previous letter anyway).

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