Friday, December 6, 2013

Feline Friday Review: @PeachIndustries Kitty Lounger Mini - Harlequin

I won this Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini at the Sandpiper Cat blog a little while ago and here we are reviewing it now! As soon as I saw the name, I was taken - you know, having a Peaches and all... Yeah. I'm a sucker. We picked the Harlequin cover, though a few days later the Pixie was released and I totally wish we could have gotten that one. ... Of course we can... MUAHAHAHA.
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini
If you own a cat, or have been around a cat, you probably know they love to find the coziest places to sleep. Who can argue with a cat-sized hammock? The Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini is a cat hammock that is made in the USA, with all materials also sourced in the USA.
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini

Size: 25" long x 21" wide x 12" high
Weight Limit: 20 pounds
Price: $59.99USD
Where to buy: Peach Industries

Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini
Koa loves the box.
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini
And he's very helpful.
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini
He thinks the box needs to be destroyed. So that the lounger can never be returned.
  • Very easy to assemble (no tools needed).  
  • Replaceable covers that you can purchase separately, if you want to change up the style to match your decor. Or if you're just crazy and like to have many different colours. Or if you have one-of-everythingitis like I do. 
  • The thick, durable covers are machine washable, and easy to care for.
  • Covers are made of cotton grown and woven in the USA. (Local!)
  • Frames are made with VOC-free, sustainably forested PureBond birch plywood.
  • Foam pads included for under feet of frame to prevent sliding and scratching of floors.
  • Very comfortable for cats. 

Tyco is not pictured because he just had major surgery and was too drugged up to be wandering around. Ellie was taking care of him.
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger 
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger 
The Bengals are a wild pair. They love to climb, and sleep as high up as possible (think on top of kitchen cabinets). They took to the Kitty Lounger Mini immediately. They argue over it. Peaches wins.
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini
Peach Industries Kitty Lounger Mini
A nine pound cat perched on the lounger in one spot causes it dip like this, but note the frame withstands the weight without issue.
  • Well, to be completely honest, I can't think of any. Even with two crazy Bengal cats and a giant Ragdoll, this Kitty Lounger Mini is holding up great. Ellie doesn't count as a real animal. She's tiny.

I highly recommend the Peaches Industries Kitty Loungers! They are really cute, well-made, have some great practices (using local resources means less shipping across the world), and they offer a very good return policy - 60 days for a full refund. That's a fantastic trial period I would say. But most importantly is that cats love them and are drawn to the Kitty Lounger. Chances are you aren't going to need that refund.  

Note: This lounger was won in a giveaway. I did not buy this lounger, and I was not compensated monetarily for writing this review. All opinions you read here are 100% mine and my cats's.


Julie (O-kami) said...

Nice review! I hope Tyco is ok, I would love to see His Floofiness in this lounger.

Ashli said...

My best wishes to Tyco. My dog Jazz just had major surgery, so I can empathize. I'll send some healing vibes to your kitteh.

floppycats said...

Love, love, love it! Does Tyco get on it at all?

floppycats said...

wait, just read that he had major surgery after reading the comments - what happened?

kp said...

What a fun review! Koa is such a hoot!

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you :) Glad you liked! A bit of a change hehe

Azizah Asgarali said...

He did - his urinary tract was blocked and his bladder was completely full of giant crystals (ones that was the size they find in dogs)! Our water is really hard, so he has been switched over to distilled water after the surgery to clear his bladder and we're keeping an eye on him. So far, so good. :)

The Bengals don't share with Tyco. Koa hogs it, for the most part..

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you <3 So sorry you're going through the same thing - it's so hard to put them through such a thing. All the best wishes for your furball <3 <3

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you :) He is doing much, much better. Will try to see if we can get a picture of him on it hehehe. He is healing up well now so can actually climb and jump around again :)

floppycats said...

oh, how sad! does he eat dry food? that's my guess as to the cause. not hard water.

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