Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Reads - March 2. 2014


MrGuilt said...

In South Louisiana, King Cake this season is quite common. It is kinda like a coffee cake, with a small plastic baby doll baked inside. Whoever gets the baby either is the king/queen of the ball, or, in an office setting, responsible for bringing in the next one.

Lots of places have imaginative fillings--my mom sent us up one, and it had a pralines and cream filling. She also said there was a turtle one. There was a picture of a slice of the one she sent this year on my Instagram feed.

You can order your own, and have it shipped, but you have to do it quick--they will stop selling them on Mardi Gras (March 4 this year!), and won't start again until around after Christmas. The place my mom sends ours from:

Denise Rogers said...

I live in Lafayette, LA, the heart of Cajun Country, so yes, I have had King Cake (almost every day this past week, to the detriment of my waistline--people bring them into the English department offices, whether they got the baby last year or not). The one you describe is my favorite, but there are lots of other varieties. Some folks like the cream filled ones (I do not) or the jelly filled ones (I do not). I like the addition of apples to my King Cake. I like Meche's King Cakes the best.

MrGuilt said...

Hi former neighbor! I was born in Lafayette, then we moved to Lake Charles after my dad got out of the Air Force!

Azizah Asgarali said...

Ah! EXCELLENT! Thank you and @MrGuilt so much for the delicious explanations! ... Now I really, really want to try some... of course he tempts me further by including a link to where I can ORDER one..

Azizah Asgarali said...

Thank you thank you! I have Googled it but for the life of me, I must be a moron, I just did not understand. I thought they were like some sort of sugar decorated cinnamon buns. I really am slow. ... Now I must look at this website...

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