Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Franklin-Christoph Music Nib: What Fits and How To Swap Nibs @1901FC

If you have gotten yourself a lovely Franklin-Christoph "Christoph" music nib, a #6 nib with a feed as a complete unit, you may be wondering...hmm. What pens does this fit? Well, here's a quick list of a few pens.
Review: Franklin-Christoph "Christoph" Music Nib @1901FC
Franklin-Christoph Model 02 Intrinsic.
Smoke & Ice finish.
Franklin-Christoph "Christoph" music nib.
What Fits?

Fountain Pen Model Whole Nib Unit or Nib Only
Franklin-Christoph 02 Nib Unit
Franklin-Christoph 03 Nib Unit
Franklin-Christoph 19 Nib Unit
Franklin-Christoph 33 Nib Unit
Franklin-Christoph 40 Panther Nib Unit
Franklin-Christoph 66 Stabilis Nib Unit
Edison Collier Nib Unit
Ken Cavers Cigar Nib Unit
Lyle Ross Pompey 3 Nib
Nemosine Singularity Nib
Jinhao x750 Nib
Jinhao x450 Nib
Jinhao 159 Nib
TWSBI Vac700 Nib
TWSBI Micarta Nib
Italix Churchman's Prescriptor Nib
Wing Sung 590 Nib
Noodler's Ahab Nib
Noodler's Konrad Nib

Check out Serious Nibbage Part 2: Franklin-Christoph Music Nib with SBREBrown.
Check out my review of the music nib.

How To Swap Nibs

This part is really easy. For two different examples, I'll take the Edison Collier, which takes the whole nib & feed unit, and the Jinhao x450, which takes the nib only.
Franklin-Christoph Music Nib: What Fits and How To Swap Nibs
Franklin-Christoph "Christoph" music nib: whole nib & feed unit.
For the Edison Collier, and other pens that accept the whole nib & feed unit: Simply unscrew the unit from the section. You will have to remove your converter from the barrel. Insert the Franklin-Christoph music nib unit by screwing it in place. No need to wrench it in, just finger tight will do.
Franklin-Christoph Music Nib: What Fits and How To Swap Nibs
Edison Collier with Franklin-Christoph music nib unit installed. Edison nib unit is removed (below).
For the Jinhao x450, and other pens that only take the nib of the Franklin-Christoph music nib unit: Separate the Franklin-Christoph music nib unit by gripping the nib and feed (use grippy material
if necessary) and pulling them straight out of the nib collar.
Franklin-Christoph Music Nib: What Fits and How To Swap Nibs
Franklin-Christoph music nib taken apart. Nib, feed, collar.
Separate the Jinhao x450 nib and feed by doing the same thing. If either are encrusted with ink, it'll be difficult, so make sure they're nice and clean.
Franklin-Christoph Music Nib: What Fits and How To Swap Nibs
Jinhao x450 nib and feed separated. Franklin-Christoph music nib (below).
All you need to do is align the Franklin-Christoph music nib on the other feed and replace it in the section.
Franklin-Christoph Music Nib: What Fits and How To Swap Nibs
Jinhao x450 with Franklin-Christoph music nib installed, using Jinhao x450 feed. Below is the Jinhao x450 nib, and the Franklin-Christoph feed. 
Easy peasy to do yourself. Now, I haven't tested the actual flow of these, so I can't tell you how well they'll write, but this is what I have that fits!

Do a gal a solid and if you fancy any of these and want any item of your own, use my affiliate links :)


Mike said...

The ones with just the nib aren't going to be as good as using the nib and the feed. I've got the nib on my Vac 700, and it's pretty good, but the flow is not nearly as nice as it is on my wife's F-C 02 with the whole unit. That feed is really a good thing to have under that nib.

Nice list!

Ben said...

Is the nib compatible with the F-C pocket 40 pen ?

Azizah Asgarali said...

It isn't... the pocket has a #5 nib :( I tried. I was sooo hoping it would be!

Azizah Asgarali said...

Ah! Thank you for letting me know. I figured it just couldn't be the same wet flow, but I'm glad to have at least one comment backing that!

Falk Meinhardt said...

I put the nib on a Jinhao 159 and to my eyes the big pen and the nib fits nicely together. No issues with the feed (so far), very good flow.

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