Monday, September 8, 2014

Serious Nibbage Part 1: Noodler's Neponset with @SBREBrown

Serious Nibbage

SBRE Brown and I discuss whether the soon-to-be-released Noodler's Neponset fountain pen is serious nibbage. God. Why did he pick this thumbnail? I look horrid. 

Follow Noodler's Ink on Facebook for nail biting updates on the Neponset!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Serious Nibbage and would like us to review a pen/nib/ink, etc, contact Stephen or myself!


Denise Rogers said...

Hi, Azizah--I am interested in the Neponset, but I do think the price is too high if it is $75.00. My first Noodler's pen was a Nib Creaper, which I grew frustrated with (this is before I had used fountain pens much). Then I bought a Konrad Acrylic because it was so beautiful. Again, no luck with the nib; I swapped it out for a Goulet nib, and am very happy. Recently I went back and tried the Creaper again (chiefly because I had gotten a sample of Apache Sunset), and it was fun to use it. I had some success this time. I still haven't tried swapping back the flex nib on the Konrad, but I am thinking about it. But that's a big price jump for me to try the Neponset and not be able to switch out the nib. And I think I remember you saying that you have to use quite a bit of pressure to get the line variation you achieved in your video. So do you think $75.00 is reasonable for what may be an experiment, or do you think it should be less (I'm thinking I could go $50.00). Or do you think the risk is so small and the rewards are so great that $75.00 is a good price? Thanks for your videos, etc. (and thanks to Stephen, too).

Azizah Asgarali said...

Well, we're still not 100% sure on the's rumoured to be $75. Maybe we'll be lucky and it won't be. The feeds are being hand cut, so that's a fair amount of labour. It's hard to comment on the price because if it ends up being batches of pens that all work (compared to the current situation where some work and some don't), I'd be okay with a higher cost for working pens. We also don't know for sure if the nib will be swappable or not; we're just going based on what we can see in comparing the #6 nibs. Maybe they'll offer other nibs, but with such a wet feed, regular nibs may write too wet.

It did take a lot of pressure to reach full line variation for me, but not for Stephen. The nib also needs to be broken in, but that comes with use, but my Ahab took a lot of pressure as well and needs to be broken in. This one just needs a little more.

Given the delay in the release, maybe they're fine tuning everything to make it less of an experiment and more of a bang on release. Let's wait to see what the price is. Fingers crossed!

Denise Rogers said...

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. :)

JAH said...

Visit the Netherlands often?

Wildman said...

Thank you for the review. Considering I like pens that are smaller, and write finer (medium-fine is my sweet spot) and drier, I guess this one isn't for me!

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