
Monday, December 8, 2014

Serious Nibbage Part 0: Defining Serious Nibbage @sbrebrown

Today on Serious Nibbage...well, Serious Nibbage. Defining what Serious Nibbage means to us!
Serious Nibbage Part 0- Defining Serious Nibbage
Check out Serious Nibbage Part 13: Pelikan Souverän M1000 Green Stripe.

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Serious Nibbage and would like us to review a pen/nib/ink, etc, contact Stephen or myself!


  1. What a lovely site. And with cats too! Amazing.
    Anyway, I am discovering fountain pens also, and still am somewhat perplexed around nib design vis a vis polish. You are the first reviewer to mention an "over-polished" nib, just when I was about to conclude that a mirror finish could only be a good thing. Would you explain what you mean by over-polished in your next installment? Thanks!

  2. Hi Mark! Thanks for your kind words and welcome to the rabbit hole of fountain pens :) Certainly - that's a good point. I just assume people know what I mean so I'm glad you pointed that out. When I say overpolishing, i'm referring to polishing of the tip. If its overpolished, it tends to develop "baby's bottom" where the tip of the nib is rounded inwards where it hits the page. They're super smooth, but because the tip doesn't reach the page properly, the ink is held back from touching the paper, so you get a lot of hard starts and skipping. Check out Richard Binder's glossary here for baby's bottom -

    he has a perfect image to describe it :)

  3. You two crack me up, and I love this vlog series

  4. Thank you :) Glad we can provide you with some laughs!
