Thursday, January 15, 2015

Kickstarter: Eighty Pages: Made in NYC Notebooks

Check out Eighty Pages' Kickstarter for their made in NYC notebooks! Pledges start at a very reasonable $10. Check it out!

Asked and answered:
How big are your notebooks? What does the number on my notebook mean? Why are these notebooks limited edition? Do you sell notebooks with lined or graph paper?Each of our notebooks are 80 pages in length, measure approximately 3.5'' x 5.5'' and have a unique serial number. The first number indicates the volume number, and the second indicates the production number. Currently, our notebooks are produced with plain paper, but we will likely release lined and graph versions in future releases. We are big fans of keeping design fresh. Selling the same boring versions in just a few colors would be we are challenging ourselves to constantly be designing. No two volumes will be the same!Will you sell these notebooks on Why Kickstarter?Our first 4 volumes are only available through Kickstarter. We will release Volume 5 on our website sometime in February. Additionally, if everything goes well, we plan on releasing two new limited edition notebook designs every month. We need Kickstarter to cover our initial production costs (raw materials, website, shipping supplies, etc). We want to be a fully functional production and we need you to get there!
From Kickstarter.


Jesse R Davis said...

Not sure I am sold on this one. You can buy SO MANY Field Notes, et al, for $100 or $150 dollars. Here you get 6-10 80 page pocket notebooks and one hardback notebook. For $100 you could buy four hardbound 320 page Tomoe River Journals, or a ton of lesser journals. I think I will skip this one. Pretty though. :)

Irma Román said...

I donated $10. It's not much, but it's all I can afford to spare at the moment. I'm a sucker for American made stationary. :)

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