Appelboom, Fontoplumo, and Nock Co. have sent us things to review, and we thought SBRE Brown's birthday would be a good time to give them away! We thank our kind sponsors and donors for sending us things to review and we want to thank YOU for all your kind words, support, and encouragement by giving them to youuuu.

1. Please use the Rafflecopter widget to enter.
2. Open worldwide.
3. There are several ways to enter, but do not feel obligated to use all. Following our sponsors on social media supports them, and following us supports us. If you don't want to follow either of us, you don't have to, but we appreciate it!
Lamy Al-Star CopperOrange 1.1 mm
Kaweco Sport Dark Brown Medium
Three-Pack Nock Co. DotDash Pocket Notebooks
Lamy Al-Star CopperOrange 1.1 mm
Kaweco Sport Dark Brown Medium
Three-Pack Nock Co. DotDash Pocket Notebooks
Above, on the left
Lamy Al-Star CopperOrange Medium
One Nock Co. DotDash Pocket Notebooks
Above, on the right
Lamy Al-Star CopperOrange Medium
One Nock Co. DotDash Pocket Notebooks
Above, on the right
Before you ask: sorry, no copperorange cartridges will be included with the pens. Sorry!
This is a FABULOUS giveaway! Thank you! And Happy Birthday to SBREBROWN! #OrangeIsAwesome #LotsOfExclamation
So, will copperorange cartridges will be included with the pens? (Kidding!) My Birthday is also this week. Nice giveaway!
Happy Birthay to Stephen and thank you both for this giveaway :)
I thought you were supposed to receive gifts on your birthday, not give them away!! Happy birthday sir!
Great giveaway!
Love that Copper Orange!
Happy birthday SbreBrown
purple... and Happy Birthday Mr. Brown!
Happy Birthday Mr Brown! Both of us have Birthdays this week!
Happy birthday and thanks for the great give away.
Happiest of Birthdays! What a great way to celebrate!
Happy Birthday to Mr Brown ! Thank you for the give away. Love your videos !
Good luck to all :)
Happy birthday to SBRE Brown! Thanks for the giveaway! Oh, I would love to see an orange Kaweco Sport!
Baby blue, cotton candy pink, and pale yellow kawecos!
Happy Birthday!
I'd love to see a matte orange classic sport, and a shinier dark brown Al-Star. I am still trying to locate a reasonably priced orange Safari!
I need to win something.....
Fantastic giveaway! Thank you! xoxo
Happy Birthday to Mr. Brown! Thanks for the giveaway!
Great event for a giveaway!
Happy Birthday! really like both pens.
Nice looking pens and notebook! Happy Birthday, Stephen. And thanks for all that you both do for the fountain pen world!
I hope you have the happiest of all Happy Birthdays!!
happy birthday thanks !
Happy Birthday! I get such a kick out of watching you two together and you really give a lot of honest information.
Well the happiest of birthdays to Mr. Brown. This is a lovely way to celebrate with the community :)
Happy birthday, Stephen! ☺ Best wishes for a happy & healthy year ahead!
Since you asked.... I'd love to see a dark green Lamy Safari or a chocolate brown one or a purple one. Heck, even a shiny version of the old terracotta color would be nice. No more neon colors for a while, Lamy!!!
Happy birthday!!
A turquoise Kaweco Sport would be beautiful!
A purple Lamy is well overdue! Happy Birthday SBRE! What did he get from you?
Happy Birthday!
If the Copperorange didn't exist then that is the color I would suggest. A bronze Kaweco Sport would be exciting.
Thanks for the chances.
Gun metal safari would be cool!
Happy Birthday, Stephen! I hope you have a great day! I sooooo want a Copperorange Lamy AL-Star!!! ::whine:: :-p
Orange everything!!!
Thanks for offering the giveaway! I'd love to see an Al-Star in a nice spring green color (maybe they've done it already, but I don't know!), and I would also love to see the Kaweco Sport in turquoise like a previous commenter! I would not be able to resist those colors!
Happy birthday.
I read wrong on the twitter following and addad my instagram name. I posted owmybrains when my twitter is jagarpether.
Thanks for the giveaway
Happy Birthday to Stephen and many happy returns!
Your work here is amazing as I have already noted to Azizah. The Montblanc Toffee Brown Ink she suggested for my FP Parker Sonnet Chinese Brown Laque 750 18k Fine Nib is fantastic, thanks for the tip.
Many happy returns of the day, good sir!! Your videos are fantastic; thank you for all your hard work to produce them for us.
I also am in the "orange everything" camp! Happy Birthday. Thanks for sharing this with all of us!
Great giveaway - and congratulations on the upcoming birthday!
Happy Birthday to Mr. Brown. Thanks for the celebratory giveaway. I would like to see a Safari in burgundy.
Happy Birthday! May your year be filled with great fun and new adventures.
Happy Birthday Stephen!
Happy birthday Stephen! I personally prefer black pens because they look more pro, so I guess I'm perfectly fine with the current Al-Star & Safari! No idea about the Kaweco though xD
Happy Birthday SBRE Brown. Hope it is a happy one with many, many more to follow!
Happy birthday SBRE! Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to see a Al-Star/Safari/Kaweco Sport in black with a subtle shimmer like the Jinhao shimmering sands pens ... mmmm!
Happy Birthday and thanks for all the knowledge.
Happy Birthday Stephen!
Lamy Safari in purple all the way! Happy Birthday, Stephen :)
Happy Birthday! It's generous of you to be doing a giveaway.
Happy Birthday, Stephen!
A very Happy Birthday Mr. Brown! May you receive many pens and inks in celebration.
Happy Birthday and thank you both for this giveaway!
Happy Birthday, Mr Brown!
Thanks for running this very generous contest contest. I suppose I'd enjoy an AlStar in a very deep, dark eggplant purple. Something a lot of fun to look at (perhaps with a slight sparkle/sheen?) that would still be suitable for use in a professional environment.
Happy Birthday SBRE Brown! Wishing you the best on your special day!
Of course, I would love to see a true purple Safari, but I would also like to see a bright magenta pink Kaweco Sport...the classic sport so it can be more in my price range! :)
Happy Birthday Stephen!
I'd like to see a matte brown or dark caramel.
Lá breathla shona dhuit - Happy birthday
Happy birthday! Thanks to both of you for the great videos and the giveaway.
Happy birthday :) Would love to see vivid red pens in the Kaweco series
SBRE, happy days, long may they last... mmm fancy a cleat kaweco sport and a mint metallic alstar....yat
Happy, Happy Birthday to Mr. Brown! Agree: a darker, vibrant red Kaweco & a reboot of the classic Orange Flame Safari!
Many Happy Returns - I agree with the calls for a Purple Safari. Re: the Kaweco, I think the current Burgundy is just about long as they don't discontinue that, I'm happy :)
again, i have to say purple safari... i think alstar and Kaweco already have great colours
I would love to see a neon Color KAWECO.
Happy birthday Mr. Brown! I'd love to see a dark green safari.
Caribbean blue!!!
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag, and if you don't find a spekkoek at some point in the day, may you at least lower yourself gently into a quadrupel.
Thank you for the exciting opportunity! Stephen I hope you had a great day!
Happy birthday Stephen! Hope you have a great day and thanks for some great advice with all your videos.
Happy Birthday! and a nice giveaway!
What color? How about green as a promise of Spring coming?
Happy birthday, and as fountain pen users here in Scotland say: Lang may yer ink flow.
Generous offer to give away a birthday present. Congratulations.
Happy Birthday Mr. Brown and thanks for the awesome giveaway
Happy Birthday (sorry a little late.)
Happy Birthday! Thank you for chance!
The color Al-Star/Safari/Kaweco Sport do I want to see is Magenta.
Happy Birthday Mr. Brown!!! The color I would like to see is green. I know there's already a lot of greens in those lines, but as a lover of green, I just want to see more shades of it.
Happy Fountain Penning Birthday sir! There should be a social media site for FP people :/
olive green would be nice. However, the copper one looks awesome. Exciting prizes.
Orange of course! Happy birthday again, Mr. Brown.
I would love to see a purple Safari. Thanks for this giveaway
Happy Birthday sir!
Perhaps green one. Happy Birthday, Mr. Brown!
Happy belated birthday to SBRE Brown, and I would love to see an orange dolce vita style art sport. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Patterned floral Kaweco can be all the rage !!
Oh yes floral is a cool idea.
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Great giveaway!
Oh, Happy Birthday indeed! Love that dark brown Kaweco, but also coveting the denim-looking one.
Happy Birthday!
HB, SBRE! I'd love to see some olive green shades.
I would love a neon-pink KAWECO
Happy Birthday, and thanks for doing this! I'd love to see a purple Safari - who wouldn't??
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the great content you're producing. I would love to see a new Dark Red AL-Star - missed this Special Editions as I'm not that long into fountain pens - and for the Kaweco, currently no addition to my blue and orange one needed :)
I think a flag colored series would be cool. Could start with German flag.
Whee! Happy Birthday! And thanks for the giveaway!
The Kawecos are cute, but it'd be nice to have a demo made with better feeling plastic and a nice deep translucent red. For both parts, not color cap and clear barrel.
Happy Birthday Mr. Brown and thanks for all you do. Your videos always brighten my day.
Awesome Giveaway!
Many happy returns of birthday ink to your fingers.
And happy birthday !
Happy B-day!
Happy birthday! I would like green shades, like hunter or forest.
Giving gifts on your birthday--most kind of you!
I would love to see a bright turquoise blue Kaweco! Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy Birthday!
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