Saturday, March 7, 2015

Serious Nibbage Part 27: Pilot Kaküno

Check out my review.
Check out SBRE Brown's review.
Find previous episodes of Serious Nibbage here!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Serious Nibbage and would like us to review a pen/nib/ink, etc, contact Stephen or myself!


Eva Yaa Asantewaa said...

Okay. You might have sold me on this pen, Azizah, despite the old man's poo-pooing!

Ecclectit bits said...

Thankyou for the Rocky theme and other misdemeanours - does that make SBRE Bullwinkle? :D
I have a couple of these cuties. Both have light grey bodies and alternatively a bright orange and a bright green cap. They are treasures to write with : smooth, simple, no-nonsense :-)
My daughter has already "borrowed" one and loves it. No problems taking these to a meeting. My only beef is no clip and I want one that winks (like I saw on SBRE's review).
Thanks guys, keep up the great work.

Eva Yaa Asantewaa said...

Hey! My Pilot Kakuno (Medium nib) arrived yesterday from an eBay seller, and it's terrific, just as you said, Azizah. Cute as a button: white barrel, yellow cap. I didn't want yellow, necessarily, but saw only two colors available with Medium nibs. It writes beautifully, and as an EDC pen, it's going to give serious competition to most of my other ones!

jadecow said...

You pair, you bring me cheer. And make me spill my coffee. Also I am a child with a child's hand, and I like inanimate things winking at me, so I love the Kakuno. Thanks for the funny episode.

rmonster said...

Are you an ex-pat Canadian? I don't think anyone else ever uses the word 'tuque'. :)

Azizah Asgarali said...

How did I miss this comment? So glad to help you spill your coffee. Also, thrilled that you also like the wonderful childish stylings of the Kakuno like I do. CLEARLY HE IS JUST OLD AND BORING. (Sadly, I'm older than him, but still).

Azizah Asgarali said...

HA. Yes, that's embarrassing, isn't it?

rmonster said...

Not at all. It's great to see Canadians doing well in the world. (It also explains why I think you have zero accent at all.)

jadecow said...

Poor guy. Good thing he's cute, despite refusing to acknowledge the forever joys of childhood. (I like that you're older, there is something encouragingly naughty about it -- speaking as an old child myself. XP)

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