Saturday, March 21, 2015

Serious Nibbage Part 29: Pilot Vanishing Point

Once again, he picks the thumbnail where I look horrible but he looks fine. Thanks, S.

Check out my review.
Check out SBRE Brown's review.
Find previous episodes of Serious Nibbage here!

If you'd like to sponsor an episode of Serious Nibbage and would like us to review a pen/nib/ink, etc, contact Stephen or myself!


cancoi said...

(I don't have a pink one, but would be happy to relieve you of your faceted model to fund said pink VP...)

Josephine Robertson said...

I got the "champagne" color from Engieka for a very good price. Good pen for its niche.

Ove Bjørnson said...

What is so special about the faceted models? Are they LE or very rare or produced for a very limited time?

MrGuilt said...

It was a different "body style." The Vanishing Point was produced starting in 1963. The faceted was the "body style" from 1987ish to 1998. For a full history (with pics) of the four-or-so body styles, check out:

My opinion: the retractableness isn't a gimmick; it's a great-writing pen that happens to be retractable. The Lamy Dialog 3 is also a great-writing pen that happens to be retractable, but they made it a bit too fragile and a bit too clever with the design of the mechanism. I'm a Lamy lover, but I'd give the nod to the Vanishing Point.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Ah! Thank you for the excellent reply. They do work remarkably well, if the style works for you. But they do make beautiful finishes too. Yummy.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Hehe at least I'm not alone in that. I think it's neat to have at least one, if one can afford it, because they are quite unique.

Azizah Asgarali said...

Hehe you are most sweet ;) The faceted was a gift and I am rather attached to it :)

Ted said...

I am not sure that I could ever get used to writing with that clip between my fingers. But I love click ballpoints for that one-handed ease....

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