Thursday, December 8, 2016

Madrid Pen Show 2016 Recap @Iguana_Sell

The Madrid Pen Show took place from November 18 - 20, 2016 at the NH Collection Madrid Eurobuilding Hotel. Stephen and I were very lucky to be sponsored to attend the show by one of my own sponsors, Iguana Sell! We also had an opportunity to visit their amazing boutique (post to come on that). A big thank you to the team over at Iguana Sell for being such warm, welcoming hosts, and for making this happen! Stephen's recap can be seen here.

This was a great show, simple as that. Obviously, I could ramble about all the beautiful pens and inks and paper and all the wonderful people, but first, a few interesting things:

What makes a show a lot of fun is not only a great location with lots of good food, but also great people. I met quite a few wonderful pen friends who I had interacted with online, and others who I had never spoken with before. I felt so honored to have my picture taken with other pen lovers, and to meet some of the greats in the pen world. It was a warm, welcoming atmosphere that made me feel like I was part of a community. The amount of knowledge swirling around is astounding. I was in awe many times, listening to vendors talk to other pen lovers and collectors, and vice versa.

Three days, long hours. That means plenty of time to browse, explore, interact, and no stress to buy anything immediately because you only have a five hour window before the show is over (hello, Tilburg). Three days is exhausting for the vendors, but I hope it was fruitful. It was so nice to be able to browse leisurely, and not feel rushed. I could try pens, look at all sorts of pens I didn't even know existed, and chat with so many people.

The entry was fee was affordable: € 3,00 per day or a three day pass: € 5,00. Better yet, you could bring in an invitation and entry was free. They even provided a fan (useful because it was quite warm) and an eraser! If you're thinking about attending, I give it two thumbs up. There's plenty to enjoy, even if you don't want to buy anything!
Enjoy a few pictures:
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 22 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 29 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 23 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 24 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 26 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 28 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 2 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 11 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 12 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 13 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 14 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 15 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 16 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 20 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 21 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 17 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 18 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 19 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 30 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 32 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 4 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 5 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 6 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 7 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 8 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 9 RWM
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 10 RWM
Enough blabber. I have another post with some more close ups of pens I found interesting, or beautiful. You can check the Fountain Pens section for more pen show recaps and other Field Trips.

Don't judge. Not all are mine.
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 35 RWM
Samples and contact information!
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 36 RWM
KWZI samples, and some Midori goodies.
Madrid Pen Show 2016 @Iguana_Sell 1 RWM
Top to bottom: Omas Magnum 360, Montblanc 244G Tiger Stripe, Waterman English, Mabie Todd Swan SF1, Omas Paragon, Waterman 7 Red, Omas CS, Leroy Fairchild Gold x Abalone Dip Nib, Classic Pens LM1, Stipula Etruria Magnifica. 


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