Monday, March 25, 2024

Gourmet Pens Club - Episode 39 - Thoughts for our Beloved Pen Makers!

 Please subscribe to Gourmet Pens Club podcast on whichever platform you use for your podcasts! We'd love the support and would be happy to have you join us!  

Gourmet Pens Club - Episode 39 - Thoughts for our Beloved Pen Makers! Title Card

Hello jello! Episode 39 is something new for us - we wanted to very lovingly share some thoughts with our beloved pen makers in the community, from us! This is only part one of this projected three part series and as such, we are calling on you, dear listeners and pen makers, to participate!

Let’s hang out!
As always, available on YouTube Podcasts, too!

If you enjoy and/or appreciate it and you want to lend your continued support, please do check me out on Patreon. You can pledge your support and/or undying love for as little as $1. You are in no way obligated to do so. I appreciate your readership, viewership, and your support so much - thank you! 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Gourmet Pens Club - Episode 38 - Parallel but equally chaotic host tracks - Azizah’s loot vs Candace’s LAMY adventure

 Please subscribe to Gourmet Pens Club podcast on whichever platform you use for your podcasts! We'd love the support and would be happy to have you join us!  

Parallel but equally chaotic host tracks - Azizah’s loot vs Candace’s LAMY adventure Title Card

Hello jello! It’s like all of my non-acquisitioning was being used up throughout the year, leaving me defenceless for @baltimorepenshow - want to hear what I ended up with? I have problems. Enjoy!

Let’s hang out!

As always, available on YouTube Podcasts, too!

If you enjoy and/or appreciate it and you want to lend your continued support, please do check me out on Patreon. You can pledge your support and/or undying love for as little as $1. You are in no way obligated to do so. I appreciate your readership, viewership, and your support so much - thank you! 

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GourmetPens by Azizah Asgarali is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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